jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

One of my best friends is Jon. I have known Jon since I was a child so I know him very well. He is the youngest brother of three. He lives in Getaria in the same street I do so we have a very good relation. But he study in different schools.
Physically Jon is tall, thin and it seems to me that he also is handsome because many girls think it. He’s hair is blonde and a little bit long. He always wants to practise sports like football, a sport that he plays in the team of Zarautz. He used to row in Getaria but he gave it out at the end of the summer. But he also loves the night and he goes to as many festivities as he can.
His character is wonderful. He always helps and he never leaves someone alone. Sometimes he is a bit proud. He is lazy but only in works of school like homework or preparing an exam.
To sum up Jon is a kind person, a very nice person and a good partner to go to a festivity or to play a sport for example football. So it’s interesting to meet him.