jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


I was born in November so I will not be able to vote because local elections will be at spring. But if I had the opportunity to vote I would have difficulties choosing one party or other. That’s because I don’t know much about politics though I think it is an important topic.

It is clear that politics is part of our life. So in my opinion before starting voting you have to learn about politics. One way can be to read the newspaper or simply watch the news on TV. But don’t you think that most politicians are more or less the same?

Personally I do. When the elections arrive they do their campaigns. They promise a lot of things. But then they don’t keep their promises. It is true that parties are different, right and left ones…, but their actions, depending on their ideology, look alike.

So in conclusion I have to say that politics is necessary in our life but difficult to understand. In my case I have enough time to learn before taking part in elections.