jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

One of my best friends is Jon. I have known Jon since I was a child so I know him very well. He is the youngest brother of three. He lives in Getaria in the same street I do so we have a very good relation. But he study in different schools.
Physically Jon is tall, thin and it seems to me that he also is handsome because many girls think it. He’s hair is blonde and a little bit long. He always wants to practise sports like football, a sport that he plays in the team of Zarautz. He used to row in Getaria but he gave it out at the end of the summer. But he also loves the night and he goes to as many festivities as he can.
His character is wonderful. He always helps and he never leaves someone alone. Sometimes he is a bit proud. He is lazy but only in works of school like homework or preparing an exam.
To sum up Jon is a kind person, a very nice person and a good partner to go to a festivity or to play a sport for example football. So it’s interesting to meet him.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

In this video Ray Zahab talks about his trek in the South Pole. He went there with two fiends, Richard Weber and Kevin Vallely. They broke the world speed record crossing the Pole. They walked for 33 days 22 hours and 55 minutes. Some days they walked for 20 hours in a day. They also became the fist men going from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole without skis, only walking. They had to cross some cracks in the ice. Some were very big. If you enter in one of these holes it is impossible to survive.
This wasn’t the first crazy trek of Ray. He also has crossed the Sahara desert in 111 days. In that trek Ray learnt how people live in North Africa almost without water. He decided to go to the South Pole after being in Africa.
While he was Antarctica he was connected to internet and all people, students, teachers… kept in touch with him. When they finished the trek they didn’t believe what they had done.

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

English is the most spoken language in the world. People use it in all the countries and nowadays it is becoming the language of the world. You can go anywhere if you are able to speak English. But the thing is that it seems English is becoming a mania because before few people use it. So do you think that it is really necessary for our lives?
In my opinion I think that for young people is not necessary but almost yes. We can go anywhere to study and in most of the countries they use English so it seems to me that if we don’t know it we will not pass a good time. Following with positive reasons now we travel more and farther than before so for example if we go to Holland and we don’t know their language, the Dutch, we will use English to communicate with habitants from there and also with other tourists. So in one hand it is clear that English is necessary.
But when we speak about old people we say that English is not necessary. When old people were young they didn’t study English because in those days English wasn’t spoken by many people as now. So in the other hand I think English is not necessary.
In conclusion English is necessary according to where you look. If you are young it is very important but if you are old it isn’t. So in my opinion English is becoming a mania because before people lived without speaking English and now, I don’t know why but, all people is learning and using it.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

A minute after Christina had entered the room, she knew something was wrong. Something was under his bed. Strange noises came from there. There was a small animal, it was a bird but it had a broken wind and it couldn’t move so she took it and she went to the kitchen.
Her father was sitting on the chair listening to the radio and ridding the newspaper. His name was Richard and he was a teacher of maths. This family was a bit strange; they were very environmentalist, they couldn’t see an animal suffering. Chris showed the bird to his dad. Richard didn’t know what to do. Finally they took it to the veterinarian.
The veterinarian was a young boy. He said that it had the wind broken and it had to be still for two months. So he bandaged the bird’s wind. Chris and her dad went home. They took care of the animal. They fed it and they built a small house. They named it Bob.
Two moths later Bob was OK. Bob was now the pet of Chris, he was like her brother. They played a lot but at those moments Christina was studying a lot because her exams finishing and now she was thinking about university. She didn’t know what career do. She tough about medicine but the two last months whit Bob change her mind. Finally she decided to learn biology.
The time passed Chris was 23 years old. But Bob was very ill and the veterinarian said that Bob would die in days. Finally the day arrived. Chris didn’t believe it but it was the truth. BYE BOB, BYE BROTHER!!!