lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

In this video Ray Zahab talks about his trek in the South Pole. He went there with two fiends, Richard Weber and Kevin Vallely. They broke the world speed record crossing the Pole. They walked for 33 days 22 hours and 55 minutes. Some days they walked for 20 hours in a day. They also became the fist men going from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole without skis, only walking. They had to cross some cracks in the ice. Some were very big. If you enter in one of these holes it is impossible to survive.
This wasn’t the first crazy trek of Ray. He also has crossed the Sahara desert in 111 days. In that trek Ray learnt how people live in North Africa almost without water. He decided to go to the South Pole after being in Africa.
While he was Antarctica he was connected to internet and all people, students, teachers… kept in touch with him. When they finished the trek they didn’t believe what they had done.

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