lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Nowadays is common to drink alcoholic drinks at the age of 16 and also younger one. Teenagers go out with their friends at night and get some beer or other combinations like ginkas, kalimotxo…Every Saturday night if you go to the “zona” in Zarautz you will see a lot of minors and most of them drinking and few of them drunk.
In on hand I know that for the parents is unthinkable that they children drink when they are only 14 or 15 years old. But it is true that now the things have change and people start drinking earlier than some years before. From my point of view I have to say that I think when you are 16 years old is not uncommon to drink but if you control the amount. But if you are younger I think you can try but not to drink frequently.
In the other hand personally I know that biologically the alcohol is not good for our body especially for the liver. So it is not appropriate to start drinking when we are young because we are growing.
So summing up I think we can drink when we are more or lees 16 but not much and knowing that the consequences would be bad.

1 comentario:

  1. Not bad Gorka. Logical organization of ideas. Some corrections:

    Nowadays, it's common to drink alcoholic drinks at the age of 16 or younger.

    ...and a few of them drunk.

    On one hand,...

    ...things have changed...
