lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

There are things (objects, games…) that are in fashion for a short period of time and later they become fashionable again. But there is another group that they stay in fashion and they are replaced by newer things that they do the same.
In these days I don’t think there something in fashion that comes and goes. But in my town, Getaria, the spinning top (entertaining and simple game), front tennis (this because in Getaria the fronton is almost the only place to play, the diabolo (entertaining like the spinning top but more complicated)…
Nowadays tactile things like iPod touch are fashion. I don’t use iPods or mp3 because I have never felt the necessity to listen music in all places I go and because I don’t like this sophisticated gadgets. I also thing mobile phones which have all (internet connection…). In my opinion this phones are unnecessary and a bit difficult because they have too many things.
To finish I think fashion is a topic only of developed countries because we have all we need an have not to worry about the most important things like education, feeding…

1 comentario:

  1. Good organization of ideas. However, lots of small grammar mistakes and missing prepositions. Don't forget to revise your writings to catch simple errors. Some corrections:

    - But there is another group of things that stay in fashion and are replaced by newer things that do the same.

    ...this is because...

    These days,...

    ...listen to music...

    everywhere I go (not 'all places I go')

    'gadgets' is plural...THESE
