jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


I was born in November so I will not be able to vote because local elections will be at spring. But if I had the opportunity to vote I would have difficulties choosing one party or other. That’s because I don’t know much about politics though I think it is an important topic.

It is clear that politics is part of our life. So in my opinion before starting voting you have to learn about politics. One way can be to read the newspaper or simply watch the news on TV. But don’t you think that most politicians are more or less the same?

Personally I do. When the elections arrive they do their campaigns. They promise a lot of things. But then they don’t keep their promises. It is true that parties are different, right and left ones…, but their actions, depending on their ideology, look alike.

So in conclusion I have to say that politics is necessary in our life but difficult to understand. In my case I have enough time to learn before taking part in elections.

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010


I know that I have studied almost all about Europe and the European Union but when I started to think about what to write I realize that I only know few things.
I remember that the European Union was created in the twentieth century and that at firs they were about 8 countries. I also know that nowadays there a lot of countries bat that they aren’t all of Europe. I haven’t got any more to tell about Europe so I will write about things that we study and in less than I year we forget about it.
An example of this is Europe. In my opinion this happens because we study to get a good mark but we don’t study to have information about more things. In other words I think that we don’t care to know more.


I think that this topic is not very good for writing. When somebody dies all is sadness but it is true that we cant anything against the death. So in my opinion I think that if we accept that we have to die we will have less worries than if we do not accept.
I think that it is impossible not to think about our end. But I also think that if we continue always living indefinitely we will be bored all the day. In other words I think that all good things have to have and end because if they have not they became boring or uninteresting things.
Saying all this I want to highlight that death is a topic that we never want to talk about but that I think that we have to think that always is an end an that we have to accept that because if we don’t do we fell worse.
So summing up I think we have to assimilate the death but not be always thinking about it.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Nowadays is common to drink alcoholic drinks at the age of 16 and also younger one. Teenagers go out with their friends at night and get some beer or other combinations like ginkas, kalimotxo…Every Saturday night if you go to the “zona” in Zarautz you will see a lot of minors and most of them drinking and few of them drunk.
In on hand I know that for the parents is unthinkable that they children drink when they are only 14 or 15 years old. But it is true that now the things have change and people start drinking earlier than some years before. From my point of view I have to say that I think when you are 16 years old is not uncommon to drink but if you control the amount. But if you are younger I think you can try but not to drink frequently.
In the other hand personally I know that biologically the alcohol is not good for our body especially for the liver. So it is not appropriate to start drinking when we are young because we are growing.
So summing up I think we can drink when we are more or lees 16 but not much and knowing that the consequences would be bad.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

There are things (objects, games…) that are in fashion for a short period of time and later they become fashionable again. But there is another group that they stay in fashion and they are replaced by newer things that they do the same.
In these days I don’t think there something in fashion that comes and goes. But in my town, Getaria, the spinning top (entertaining and simple game), front tennis (this because in Getaria the fronton is almost the only place to play, the diabolo (entertaining like the spinning top but more complicated)…
Nowadays tactile things like iPod touch are fashion. I don’t use iPods or mp3 because I have never felt the necessity to listen music in all places I go and because I don’t like this sophisticated gadgets. I also thing mobile phones which have all (internet connection…). In my opinion this phones are unnecessary and a bit difficult because they have too many things.
To finish I think fashion is a topic only of developed countries because we have all we need an have not to worry about the most important things like education, feeding…

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

One of my best friends is Jon. I have known Jon since I was a child so I know him very well. He is the youngest brother of three. He lives in Getaria in the same street I do so we have a very good relation. But he study in different schools.
Physically Jon is tall, thin and it seems to me that he also is handsome because many girls think it. He’s hair is blonde and a little bit long. He always wants to practise sports like football, a sport that he plays in the team of Zarautz. He used to row in Getaria but he gave it out at the end of the summer. But he also loves the night and he goes to as many festivities as he can.
His character is wonderful. He always helps and he never leaves someone alone. Sometimes he is a bit proud. He is lazy but only in works of school like homework or preparing an exam.
To sum up Jon is a kind person, a very nice person and a good partner to go to a festivity or to play a sport for example football. So it’s interesting to meet him.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

In this video Ray Zahab talks about his trek in the South Pole. He went there with two fiends, Richard Weber and Kevin Vallely. They broke the world speed record crossing the Pole. They walked for 33 days 22 hours and 55 minutes. Some days they walked for 20 hours in a day. They also became the fist men going from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole without skis, only walking. They had to cross some cracks in the ice. Some were very big. If you enter in one of these holes it is impossible to survive.
This wasn’t the first crazy trek of Ray. He also has crossed the Sahara desert in 111 days. In that trek Ray learnt how people live in North Africa almost without water. He decided to go to the South Pole after being in Africa.
While he was Antarctica he was connected to internet and all people, students, teachers… kept in touch with him. When they finished the trek they didn’t believe what they had done.